Dispute resolution

Creative, amicable approaches to major project dispute resolution

Traditional dispute resolution models rely heavily on adversarial approaches and thirdparty determination. Despite the time, cost and uncertainty of these approaches, they rarely result in win-win outcomes and almost always damage the commercial relationship, sometimes beyond repair. GMG Associates specialises in strategic advice on creative dispute resolution processes for major projects.

Dispute resolution on major projects

When partners in a major project fall into dispute the business impact on all parties is significant. Impact on the project itself can be dramatic and out of all proportion to the initial dispute trigger. When positions become polarised the dispute process often seems destined to end up in arbitration or court with all the associated costs of your high-value people being tied up in dispute processes. Ironically, the end result often leaves everyone dissatisfied. By facilitating innovative dispute resolution processes, GMG Associates enables major project partners to avoid the cost of litigation, align seemingly intractable differences, avoid adverse publicity, and repair and retain productive business relationships.

Traditional dispute process

Creative dispute resolution


Major project dispute resolution expertise

Graham Thomson, founder of GMG Associates, has had extensive involvement in creative dispute resolution on major projects and transactions worldwide. Graham’s innovative facilitation techniques and experience in major projects has saved blue-chip projects from seemingly inevitable litigation and helped avoid costly PR and share market damage for major clients.

Strategic advisors on creative dispute resolution for major projects

Harness this unique experience to facilitate dispute resolution for your major project without resorting to third-party determination. Contact GMG Associates for a confidential discussion and strategic advice about your major project dispute process.